Client Testimonials

When a client says to you “You’re a whole level above anything I’ve previously experienced in Teleradiology” that is positively inspirational. I had this goosebump generating experience recently during my summer visit to the US when I called up the chief radiologist of one of the hospitals we cover in Pennsylvania, Dr Steven Diehl to check on how things were going. His words were spontaneous and from the heart. Further, he readily agreed for this to be displayed on our website as a testimonial where it has since been proudly unveiled (

Over the years, we have been extremely fortunate in receiving very positive accolades from our clients, which has been a source of tremendous satisfaction, and has urged us on to work hard to maintain their trust and confidence. In fact in the 12 years of our existence we have barely advertised our services at all ( the total extent of our advertising till date has been a single page advertisement in a print journal, which appeared to sink without a trace).

However our ‘advertising’ if that term be used has been through word of mouth recommendations by one client to another. And these recommendations and testimonials have been of greater merit and value than any material we could generate on our own. A big and heartfelt thank you goes out to each and every one of our clients who has so loyally supported us over the years with their testimonials.

Some of the compliments however, never even get recorded or reproduced. At RSNA one year, the chief radiologist of one of our groups very warmly said to me that we were a ‘class act’. And another said recently ‘I thank my stars every morning that your group is reading our scans at night’. Although these may not necessarily be formal testimonials, I believe in sharing these within our organization and without, as a sign of appreciation and a motivator towards continuing excellence.

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