Winning Stroke: Interview with Dr. Arjun Kalyanpur is CEO and founder of Teleradiology Solutions

If not in the current Profession, you would be in….?  

A writer
One tune you always hum?

“Let it Be” by the Beatles
One Book to read when you want to motivate yourselves 

Elephant Catchers by Subroto Bagchi – great read for anyone wanting to scale their organization
One Dialogue of a movie that motivates you or you like the most? 

Don’t ever let anybody tell you can’t do something … from the “Pursuit of Happiness”
Place you never been to and always want to go?  


An animal that signifies you & why? 

The Crab (my Zodiac sign … I share its traits)

A Movie Character you most resemble or resonate with? 

Atticus Finch, quintessential ethical professional

Choose one from each below:

a)      Batman or Superman -Superman
b)       Tom or Jerry -Jerry
c)      Chacha Chaudhary or Super Commando Dhruv
 –Super Commando Dhruv

If your life was to be turned into a movie who would you like to play your part ? 

Tom Hanks
Luck or Hard Work, What do you think weighs more in defining a successful Person? 

Hard work, in spades

One best decision you ever made? 

To return to India after completing my radiology training in the US
A strategy that you always use to take your decisions in Personal or Professional life? 

Follow my gut feeling

Whose advise you seek when in dilemma? 

My wife, who is also our company’s Chief Dreamer and co-founder
What has been your biggest achievement? 

Building India’s first teleradiology company against all odds
One thing that you want to change in yourself? 

My weight
A line said by your close one that you never forget? 

“If our business doesn’t succeed we can
always go back and continue to practice medicine, if it does succeed we would have
created something magical”.

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