Checklists in Radiology

The writer Atul Gawande in his book entitled ‘Better’ describes the benefits of checklists in improving the quality of healthcare. In radiology no less than in other specialties as well, is such

In the month of June there have been two major milestones in my life – 1) my 18 year old daughter leaves home to join medical college (JIPMER), and 2) I turn 50. For anyone, and certainly for any physician, turning 50 is a time for introspection and reflection, and for me this is no less the case. Coincidentally I was recently asked by a magazine to put down my life’s goals which I dutifully did and these can be viewed at the link

The academic goal of extending the reach of our online teaching portal in radiology is the one that currently has greatest priority and in this regard, our connect with Dr Bipin Batra at the National Board of Medical Examiners has been extremely rewarding as he has given the go-ahead to introduce our portal to all the DNB Postgraduates across the country, about 800 in number.

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