Landmark day for TRS

Monday February 13th was a landmark day for TRS, for two reasons

a) It marked the signing of our partnership agreement with GE Healthcare. This is a major milestone in TRS history. For one, it is a luminary partnership that positions us more effectively to deliver our teleradiology services in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities where they are most needed, while simultaneously providing a solution to our partner GE that enables them to deploy more imaging systems in locations where radiologist nonavailability constrains them from doing so. Further, this marks the culmination of years of collaboration between our respective organizations, in the R and D as well as in the training space. Now a clinical partnership which provides a win-win opportunity for both parties to move forward and achieve the mutual goal of delivery of quality healthcare to those parts of the country that require it the most. A small function was held in our auditorium to mark the occasion and Milan Rao, CEO of GE Healthcare said some very kind words about us, which made our ears burn. Also on the dais were Kishor Joshi our VP Global Sales, Srikanth Suryanarayanan GE’s head of the CT business, and Vidhi Prasad, Sales Head of GE, who were the people who drove the agreement. A media interaction followed. Our relationship with GE first began when Srikanth and I first met over a decade on a tennis court. But that’s another story..

b) The second event which took place the same evening was the 15th anniversary celebration of TRS held at the Zuri Hotel in Whitefield. Anniversary celebrations are nostalgic events and this was no exception, with a slideshow capturing the highlights of the past 15 years. Joining us were our colleagues from our Delhi and Hyderabad offices, which made the event extra special. In lighter vein my colleague Ravi who is our QA manager, performed a ‘roast’ in which he focused in particular on some of my own peculiar behavior patterns at work. Seeing my professional idiosyncracies parodied thus was hilarious – I haven’t laughed as hard in a long time. It was also (eep!) an eye opener and some behavior modification will hopefully ensue on my part… The party rocked with a DJ and full bar. As my cofounder pointed out in her speech, our organization focusses on fun and family, and both were in evidence in respect of the bonhomie, warmth and deep affection that was manifest all through the evening.

What a remarkable day!! Simultaneously capping the best of the last 15 years, and pointing towards the direction we are headed in for the next 15!!

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