The healthcare ICT conference in Hyderabad

The healthcare ICT conference in Hyderabad hosted by Apollo Hospitals and organized by the irrepressible and charismatic Prof K Ganapathy on September 1 was very stimulating. I spoke on Teleradiology and my co-panelists, who were from Denmark, Japan, Pakistan and India spoke on an interesting variety of topics including the role of telemedicine in burns care, Tele-ICU, Mobile van telemedicine and even on the role of IBM’s Dr Watson computer in assisting in medical diagnosis! Quite a variety of topics, each opening up new avenues at the medicine-technology horizon. I was happy that my talk received sufficient response that it was complimented in a tweet by Dr Pam, one of the authorities in healthcare IT journalism on Twitter. The young and enthusiastic Chief Minister of AP was chief guest and seemed in sync with the need to incorporate IT into healthcare delivery. I had the honour of having a traditional shawl presented to me/draped over my shoulders (a first for me!) by the grand old man of Indian medicine, Dr Prathap Reddy. His story of medical entrepreneurship is inspiring – especially his focus on quality and on bringing the best global benchmarks to Indian medicine, something I keenly identify with. I particularly enjoyed the presentation by my co-speaker, Dr Redband from Copenhagen, which objectively and scientifically analyzed the impact of telemedicine on burns care in Denmark. We need more such evidence-based research that objectively documents the role of telemedicine ( be it positive or negative) to counter the subjective and unscientific criticism that clinical telemedicine is often subjected to.

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