7 signs that diagnostic centers should invest in teleradiology
In today’s competitive healthcare environment, running a diagnostic imaging center is not easy. Apart from the high equipment cost at startup, operational and ongoing financial challenges abound. A technology...
Benefits of Teleradiology
Telemedicine is the application of information technology and telecommunications networks for the purpose of medical diagnosis and therapy from remote locations. A host of recent technology innovations...
How Teleradiology is the best solution for health
Teleradiology– is best defined as the process by which images are transferred to distant locations for the purpose of interpretation and diagnosis. It enables transfer of images such as CT, MRI, X-rays...
What will be the future of teleradiology in India?
We are facing a real shortage of radiologists in India and hence, there lies the necessity to spread the utilization of teleradiology across the country to allow for early diagnosis, especially...
Start of Indian radiology and imaging service
The standard of radiology in India has significantly improved since the time when I was a medical student. Primarily the access to high end imaging technology has seen rapid development in the past two...
Core values of 17 years- Teleradiology solutions
We recently celebrated our 17th anniversary at TRS. When asked to say a few words I reflected over the things that had remained constant since the beginning and what had changed. In terms of the aspects...
Learning and intelligence in radiology
I recently attended an interesting lecture hosted by the New India Foundation on the subject of How to Fix Primary Education in India, by an eminent speaker from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,...
Radiologist burnout and related issues
An awful lot is being said today about radiologist burnout. Hardly a week passes by without a dire article on the subject on the front page of a radiology journal. Surveys indicate that the majority of...
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