Visibility in radiology reporting is everything!
There is a great story in the Indian mythological tour de force the Mahabharata about Arjuna and Duryodhana, representing the forces of good and evil respectively, coming to visit their mentor Lord Krishna...
Teleradiology and Climate Change
A trip of mine to Paris three years ago was bizarrely disrupted by the river Seine flooding its banks. This week once again the Seine is threatening to flood and the mayor of Paris is quoted as saying...
What healthcare organisations need to do (quickly) in the COVID Era
As the world transforms itself in response to the COVID crisis, healthcare companies, being at the forefront of the battle against the virus, have also been forced to adapt. In our own organisation which...
The Human Mind's Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic- The Five Stages of Grief
Since its emergence at the end of last year, the Coronavirus has been continuously at the forefront of our consciousness and mind space. Reflecting on its impact on our collective psyche, it struck me...
Covid-19 Cloud has Silver Lining for Indian Healthcare
In the words of Martin Luther King “Only in the darkness can you see the stars”.  The Covid-19 pandemic continues to loom like a specter over our country, and the world. Despite weeks of lockdown...
Broken Information, Crisis in Covid-19 Pandemic
As recently as July 30, 2020, Dr Anthony Fauci went on record saying with typical understatement, that the conflicting guidance on mask-wearing (in response to the US president’s tweets on the subject)...
Eight point mantra for quality in teleradiology
Addressing to what Dr Sona said in her article on Challenges in teleradiology in India, Dr Arjun Kalyanpur, MD, CEO and Chief Radiologist, Teleradiology Solutions, Bangalore shares his insights...
Winning Stroke: Interview with Dr. Arjun Kalyanpur is CEO and founder of Teleradiology Solutions
If not in the current Profession, you would be in….?   A writerOne tune you always hum? “Let it Be” by the BeatlesOne Book to read when you want to motivate yourselves  Elephant...
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