Five Things That Radiologists Can Do to Improve Their Technology Quotient
Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging (2024) As medicine becomes increasingly digital, the need for radiologists to adopt and learn to use new technologies becomes correspondingly greater. Radiology...
Impact of Teleradiology on Oncological Interpretation of PET-CT Scans

Indian Journal of Nuclear Medicine (2024)

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A Teleradiology System for Early Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Stroke Evaluation and Management
Journal of Clinical Interventional Radiology (2023) Stroke is a cardinal cause of death and disability globally. It is an emergency condition where the rapidity of diagnosis is directly linked to the outcome....
Teleradiology Service is Indispensable in the Indian Healthcare Sector
International Journal of Health Technology and Innovation (2023) Teleradiology has proven to be an indispensable service in India’s healthcare sector offering numerous benefits to healthcare providers,...
Utilization of Teleradiology by Intensive Care Units: A Cohort Study
Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine. (2023) Teleradiology services in ICU has a great potential to improve outcomes for critically ill patients by providing rapid, remote access to radiological expertise,...
Telerad Group unveils AI-based solution for enhanced pulmonary embolism detection in radiology
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Telerad Foundation boosts pediatric radiology at Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health
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Teleradiology and technology innovations in radiology: status in India and its role in increasing access to primary health care
The Lancet Regional Health - Southeast Asia (2023) There is an inequitable distribution of radiology facilities in India. This scoping review aimed at mapping the available technology instruments to improve...
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